Practice-Based Research Degrees in the Arts: Problems and Prospects

There are hundreds of kids in Britain doing PhDs – PhDs! – in fine art….It could not be a worse situation

- Michael Craig-Martin, in Baldessari and Craig-Martin (2009) 'Conversation' in Madoff (Ed) Art School (Propositions for the 21st Century), pp 45-6.

The last decade has seen significant growth in the number of practice-based or practice-led research degrees offered by universities and art schools. This event will examine the problems and prospects for such courses. How do students and supervisors understand the relationship between the practice and thesis components of the project? How should they do so? What are the broader effects on artistic practice of training within such a framework. Ultimately, are practice-based research degrees fit for purpose?This round table discussion was held on Friday the 24th of March 2017 at King's College London, and was realised in collaboration with The Culture Capital Exchange. Speakers:

  • Dr. Jonathan Clark (Head of Research, Trinity Laban Conservatoire)

  • Prof. Robert Hampson (Distinguished Research and Teaching Fellow, Royal Holloway)

  • Dr. Jane Wildgoose (Artist, Researcher, Broadcaster)

  • Chair: Dr. Sacha Golob (King’s College London, Philosophy and Director CPVA)

  • Introduced by: Evelyn Wilson (The Culture Capital Exchange)